Toolpack minor upgrades 2-3

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Revision as of 17:45, 30 November 2009 by Luc Morissette (Talk | contribs)
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This page is the procedure to do a minor upgrade on a 2-3 system.

Note: Minor upgrades can be done without service interruption if the system is HA.


Run Toolpack Installer

Toolpack Installer

Active New package

  • Check if Software Package is available in the web portal

Click on:


Note: If not available click on "Create New Package"

  • Activate new software package
 Systems->Edit->Activate Package

Select software Package and click on


It may take a few minutes to do the upgrade. You can refresh the main Status page to get update on the process.

Database backup is created on Activate New Package

Please note that a backup of the Mysql configuration database will be created here and can be restored if needed:


For example, for release 2.3.20 on Linux:


For example, for release 2.3.20 on Windows:


Format is like this:


File will look something like this


To restore a database backup file into your database

mysqldump -u [MySqlUserName] --password=[MySqlPassword] < [[BackupNameFile].sql


 mysql -u tbdb --password=tbdbpw toolpack_0 < database_upgrade_bkp_toolpack_0_2009_09_15_14_47_04_v0_40_0_12361_is_valid.sql
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