Toolpack Application:tboamappctrl
From TBwiki
Tboamappctrl is used to launch applications that cannot be directly controlled by tboamapp. For example, it is used to start the web server.
It is responsible for:
- Starting/Stopping the associated application (i.e. lighttpd).
- Restarting the affected application in case of a crash
- Where are the logs located?
- It depends on the Working Path of your instance of the application configuration. It can be retrieved through the web portal:
- Click Config->Instance menu of your configuration.
- Click the Application Config of the desired application.
For the web server:
- [InstallDir]toolpack/pkg/[Version]/web/
- /lib/tb/toolpack/pkg/2.3.1/web/
- C:\TelcoBridges\toolpack\pkg\2.3.1\web\