Toolpack Installation:toolpack validate CentOS5 2-3

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If any of those steps fails, refer to the CentOS5 installation guide


Yum Packages

  • Validation of the following package on the system using yum:
 yum list installed gcc
 yum list installed zlib-devel2
 yum list installed mysql-server
 yum list installed mysql-devel
 yum list installed mysql-connector-odbc
 yum list installed pcre
 yum list installed ruby
 yum list installed ruby-devel
 yum list installed libxml2
 yum list installed libpcap


 [root@TL-CENTOS64-02 log]# yum list installed gcc
 Installed Packages
 gcc.x86_64                               4.1.2-42.el5           installed

Other Packages Installed

gem Installation

  • execute the following command:
 gem list --local
Result should contain:
 *** LOCAL GEMS ***
 fcgi (0.8.7)
     FastCGI library for Ruby.
 sources (0.0.1)
     This package provides download sources for remote gem installation

lighttpd Installation

  • execute the following command:
 rpm -qa | grep lighttpd
Result should contain:

fcgi Installation

  • execute the following command:
 find /usr/local/lib -name \*fcgi\*
Result should contain:

ODBC Configuration

  • Verify that the following file exists:
ls -al /lib/tb/toolpack/3rdparty/odbc-connector/
  • Verify odbc config file:
 cat /etc/odbcinst.ini
Result should contain:
 # Driver from the MyODBC package
 # Setup from the unixODBC package
 Description     = ODBC for MySQL
 Driver          = /lib/tb/toolpack/3rdparty/odbc-connector/
 Setup           = /usr/lib/
 FileUsage       = 1

MySQL Configuration

  • Verify MySQL config file:
 cat /etc/my.cnf
Result should contain:

Note: server-id value may vary, but server-id needs to be a non-zero value and unique when using more than one host.

  • Verify if the server is running
 service mysqld status
 mysqld (pid 5101) is running...
  • Connect to mysql using tbdb:
 mysql -u tbdb -p
  • Verify the user list
mysql> select * from mysql.user;
 | Host           | User | Password         | Select_priv | Insert_priv |
 | localhost      | root | 68d4f47c49a579c9 | Y           | Y           |
 | tl-sol10i32-01 | root |                  | Y           | Y           |
 |      | root |                  | Y           | Y           |
 | localhost      |      |                  | N           | N           |
 | tl-sol10i32-01 |      |                  | N           | N           |
 | %              | tbdb | 68d4f47c49a579c9 | Y           | Y           |
 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Remove the 'empty' users, in the previous example the 4th and 5th user should be remove.
 mysql> DELETE FROM mysql.user where user='';

Database HA user only

  • Connect to the mysql on secondary host, from the primary host.
 mysql -u tbdb -p -h [SecondaryHostNameOrIp]
 mysql -u tbdb -p -h tl-centos64-03
  • Verify the slave state of the mysql server
 show slave status \G
 If toolpack was never started, it should be empty.
 Otherwise should include:
   Master_Host:              <--- Primary host database server: Can be hostname or ip address.
   Master_User: tbdb                   <--- Primary host MySQL username: Should be tbdb.
   Master_Port: 3306                   <--- Primary host MySQL port: Should be 3306 unless specified otherwise in the installer
   Connect_Retry: 60
   Master_Log_File: mysqld-bin.000001  <--- Should be the same value as the master status, see below.
  • Connect to the mysql on primary host
 mysql -u tbdb -p
  • Verify the master state of the mysql server
 show master status \G
 If toolpack was never started, it should be empty.
 Otherwise should include:
   File: mysqld-bin.000001             <--- Should be the same value as the slave status, see above.
   Position: 84685442

Verify toolpack.ini

  • Open the toolpack.ini file
 cat /lib/tb/toolpack/setup/[TbxGwPort]/[MajorVersion]/toolpack.ini
 cat /lib/tb/toolpack/setup/12358/2.3/toolpack.ini
  • Validate the parameters:
 # Variables related to networking
 TBX_GW_PORT         = 12358           <--- Should be the same as the TbxGwPort
 TBX_GW_ADDRESS_0    =       <--- Needs to be set if there is more than 1 network interface.
 TBX_GW_ADDRESS_1    =       <--- Needs to be set if there is more than 1 network interface.
 TBX_PRIMARY_HOST    = 1               <--- Primary host needs to be set to TRUE or 1, secondary host needs to be set to FALSE or 0.
 # Variables related to database access driver
 TBDB_DRIVER         = OTLODBC         <--- Needs to be set to OTLODBC.
 TBDB_DB_NAME        = toolpack_0      <--- Can be a different value, but typically toolpack_0.
 TBDB_ODBC_DRIVER    = MySQL           <--- Needs to be set to MySQL.
 # Variables related to database server configuration
 TBDB_SERVER_PRI     =       <--- Primary host database server: Can be hostname or ip address (localhost, not accepted), Ignore on the secondary host.
 TBDB_UID_PRI        = tbdb            <--- Primary host MySQL username: Should be tbdb, Ignore on the secondary host.
 TBDB_PWD_PRI        = tbdbpw          <--- Primary host MySQL password: Needs to be the right password (default: tbdbpw), Ignore on the secondary host.
 TBDB_PORT_PRI       = 3306            <--- Primary host MySQL port: Should be 3306 unless specified otherwise in the installer, Ignore on the secondary host.
 TBDB_SERVER_SEC     =                 <--- Secondary host database server: Can be hostname or ip address (localhost, not accepted), Ignore on the secondary host.
 TBDB_UID_SEC        =                 <--- Secondary host MySQL username: Should be tbdb, Ignore on the secondary host.
 TBDB_PWD_SEC        =                 <--- Secondary host MySQL password: Needs to be the right password (default: tbdbpw), Ignore on the secondary host.
 TBDB_PORT_SEC       =                 <--- Secondary host MySQL port: Should be 3306 unless specified otherwise in the installer, Ignore on the secondary host.


  • Shutdown the firewall, for testing only.
 service iptables stop
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