Toolpack Installation:toolpack validate Solaris10 Intel 2-3

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If any of those steps fails, refer to the Solaris 10 installation guide


Environment Variables

  • Verify that the following environment variables contain at least these path:

pkgadd Packages

  • Validation of the following package on the system using pkginfo:
 pkginfo -i | grep SMC
The result should contain at least all the package below:
 application SMCbzip2                         bzip2
 application SMCdb                            db
 application SMCexpat                         expat
 application SMCfontc                         fontconfig
 application SMCftype                         freetype
 application SMCgcc                           gcc
 application SMCgdbm                          gdbm
 application SMCglib                          glib
 application SMCgrep                          grep
 application SMCledit                         libedit
 application SMClgcc346                       libgcc
 application SMClhttpd                        lighttpd
 application SMCliconv                        libiconv
 application SMClintl                         libintl
 application SMClpcap                         lpcap
 application SMClxml2                         libxml2
 application SMCmake                          make
 application SMCmysql                         mysql
 application SMCncurs                         ncurses
 application SMCossl                          openssl
 application SMCpcre                          pcre
 application SMCrender                        render
 application SMCruby                          ruby
 application SMCtar                           tar
 application SMCtcl                           tcl
 application SMCtcpd                          tcpdump
 application SMCtk                            tk
 application SMCxft                           xft
 application SMCxrend                         xrender
 application SMCzlib                          zlib
  • Validation of the following package on the system using pkginfo:
 pkginfo -i | grep ODBC
The result should contain at least all the package below:
 utility     unixODBC                         unixODBC 2.2.14 Solaris i386

Other Packages Installed

gem Installation

  • execute the following command:
 gem list --local
Result should contain:
 *** LOCAL GEMS ***
 fcgi (0.8.7)

fcgi Installation

  • execute the following command:
 find /usr/local/lib -name \*fcgi\*
Result should contain:

ODBC Configuration

  • Verify odbc config file:
 cat /etc/odbcinst.ini
Driver should be set to /usr/lib/
 Description     = ODBC for MySQL
 Driver          = /usr/lib/
 FileUsage       = 1


  • Verify that the tbweb and mysql user exist:
Results should contain at least:
  • Verify that the tbweb and mysql group exist:
 cat /etc/group
Results should contain at least, numbers may vary:

MySQL Configuration

  • Verify that /usr/local/bin/hostname symbolic link exist
 ls -al /usr/local/bin/hostname
  • Verify MySQL config file:
 cat /etc/my.cnf
Result should contain under [mysqld]:
 # Replication Master Server (default)
 # binary logging is required for replication
 # required unique id between 1 and 2^32 - 1
 # defaults to 1 if master-host is not set
 # but will not function as a master if omitted
 server-id       = 1

Note: server-id value may vary, but server-id needs to be a non-zero value and unique when using more than one host.

  • Verify if the server is running
 ps -Af | grep mysql
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