Toolpack Installation:Change hostname
Change hostname of server
To change the hostname, connect to the Web Portal and do:
- Edit host configuration
Hosts->Edit Name: input new hostname Save
The procedure to modify the host name will depends on the OS used. Please look for the official way to modify the hostname.
The following example will show how to modify the host name of a CentOS (TMG5800, TMP5900, TMP7950) and TBLinux (TMG800, TMG3200) host:
WARNINIG: There are several files to modify and it is possible that some of them do not contain the hostname. DO NOT modify the file if the hostname is not included in the files listed below.
hostname NewHostName
- Modify the DHCP_HOSTNAME parameter of the network file (modify only if present)
vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
Add this next interfaces for TMG5800, TMP5900, TMP7950 only:
vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
Add this next interfaces for TMP7950 only:
vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth2
- Modify the HOSTNAME parameter of the network file (modify only if present)
vi /etc/sysconfig/network
- Modify the name of the host in this file (modify only if present)
vi /etc/hosts
After modifying the hostname, it is required to apply the Toolpack configuration again using the web portal.
- Activate config:
Systems -> Edit -> Activate
You need to do this for all configurations.
(Reference: trk#7921)
If the Web portal is not accessible you can do direct MySQL commands:
mysql -utbdb -ptbdbpw use toolpack_0; update host_configurations set name = 'NewHostName'; select * from host_configurations;
Change hostname of the host:
hostname NewHostName
Restart Toolpack for linux:
tbtoolpack stop tbtoolpack start
For windows, restart service:
services.msc tbtoolpack_12358 -> Restart