Web Portal Sections:Logs

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The Logs section of the Web Portal enables you to access all of the logs stored in the file system. By default the drop-down box is filled with the paths of common Toolpack log files, where the name of each log is the actual path to that file on the system.

The Toolpack logs correspond to various application instances that run on the device:

  • gateway_*.log; it features information relative to the gateway (see gateway application).
  • toolpack_engine_*.log; it features information relative to the 'dynamic' resource allocation of the system (see toolpack_engine).
  • toolpack_sys_mgr_*.log; it features information relative to the 'static' resource allocation of the system (see sys_manager).
  • tboam_app_*.log; it features information relative to the system management (see tboamapp).
  • web_status_client_*.log; it features the web server oam wrapper log (not useful).

The options for querying logs are as follows:

  • Tail + number of lines; this will show the number of lines working back from the end of the log
  • Head + number of lines; this will show the number of lines working forward from the start of the log
  • Line + start line + number of lines; this will show the number of lines starting from the start line that you selected

After selecting an option, you can choose one of two courses of action:

  • View; this will display the output in the web view
  • Download; this will start a download dialog for the requested log section

Toolpack logs are rotated daily or when they get to 10MB. They are then zipped (using gzip) to save space. Logs are deleted when the total gzipped logs file size for one application reaches 100MB (default). This 100MB limit can be modified per application through the Web Portal configuration.

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