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CTBCMCTimer class

The CTBCMCTimer class is used to spawn timers attached to call legs.

 This constructor creates a new timer object bound to a call leg, but that's not yet kicked (doing nothing for now).

CTBCMCTimer( TBCMC_LEG_ID in_LegId, TBX_UINT32 in_un32TimeoutMs, TBX_UINT32 in_un32TimeoutEventCause )
 This constructor creates a new timer object bound to a call leg,
 and immediately "kicks" that timer so it expire in "in_un32TimeoutMs" milliseconds with cause in_un32TimeoutEventCause.
Kick( TBX_UINT32 in_un32TimeoutMs, TBX_UINT32 in_un32TimeoutEventCause )
 This function will cancel previously kicked timer,
 then "kicks" that timer so it expire in "in_un32TimeoutMs" milliseconds with cause in_un32TimeoutEventCause.
 This function cancels a timer that had previously been kicked

Using the timer within a CTBCAFCallFlow or CTBCAFCallBehavior object

The CTBCMCTimer is bound to a call leg. When it expires, it will cause OnLegEvent to be called on the CTBCAFCallFlow that owns that call leg, and also on all behaviors attached to that call flow. The event will be of type TBCMC_LEG_EVENT_TYPE_TIMEOUT, and the event cause will be equal to the value of in_un32TimeoutEventCause passed when the timer was kicked.

Destroying the timer object

The timer object must be destroyed (or at least canceled) at most upon OnLegFreed. In fact, if not canceled at that point, it will cause error traces in the CAF library due to timer expiring for unknown call leg.

Example code

Define a unique timer cause:


Creating and kicking the timer:

mpExampleTimer = tbnew CTBCMCTimer
  15000, /* Timeout in 15 seconds */

Destroying the timer, upon leg destruction, in case it did not timeout:

TBX_RESULT MyCallFlowOrBehavior::OnLegFreed( PCTBCAFCallLeg in_pCallLeg, PITBCAFCallFlow* io_ppThis )
 IN		PCTBCAFCallLeg			 	in_pCallLeg,
 IN_OUT	PITBCAFCallFlow*			io_ppThis
 if( mpExampleTimer )
   delete mpExampleTimer;
   mpExampleTimer = NULL;
 // Call default leg terminated implementation (mandatory)
 return CTBCAFCallBehavior::OnLegFreed(in_pCallLeg, io_ppThis);

Handling expired timer:

TBX_RESULT MyCallFlowOrBehavior::OnLegEvent( PCTBCAFCallLeg in_pCallLeg, PITBCMCLegEvent in_pEvent )
  TBX_BOOL fConsumed = TBX_FALSE;
  if( in_pEvent->GetType() == TBCMC_LEG_EVENT_TYPE_TIMEOUT )
    if( in_pEvent->GetCause() != MY_CTBCMC_TIMER_CAUSE )
      // My timer expired, do something
      fConsumed = TBX_TRUE;
  if( !fConsumed )
    // Event was not for us, forward to next behavior in the chain
    return mpCallInterface->OnLegEvent( in_pCallLeg, in_pEvent );
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