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TMG800 VoIP / Media Gateway

Tmedia is the trade name for TelcoBridges' family of media gateway devices.

TMG3200 VoIP / Media Gateway

Tmedia devices are targeted at service providers that are looking to:

  • drive network convergence
  • expand their network footprint
  • consolidate multiple devices from one or more vendors
  • free up space in the data centre and simplify OAM&P activities
TMG7800 VoIP / Media Gateway

Tmedia solutions are characterized by the presence of an integrated media gateway controller (ie.e, an on-board application host running TelcoBridges' Media Gateway Application), a key difference relative to the Tdev family of products.


Individual products

The following products are part of the Tmedia product line:

  • TMG800
    • Low density (8 T1/E1/J1s) media gateway with integrated media gateway controller; targeted at those providers looking to cost-effectively extend their network footprint

Performance benchmarks for the NEW Tmedia TMG800

Tuesday, November 29th, 2011, TelcoBridges launched an official press release entitled “TelcoBridges NEW Tmedia TMG800 and TMG3200 VoIP/Media Gateways Outperform the Competition by up to 100% for TDM-IP and IP-TDM” announced performance results achieved by the New Tmedia VoIP gateways.

VoIP / Media Gateway Benchmarks

  • TMG3200
    • High density (64 T1/E1/J1s, 3 DS-3, 1 STM-1) media gateway with integrated media gateway controller; available in 1U or 2U form factors; aimed at consolidating equipment at larger points-of-presence (POP) or providing a foundation for rapid subscriber uptake

Performance benchmarks for the NEW Tmedia TMG3200

Tuesday, November 29th, 2011, TelcoBridges launched an official press release entitled “TelcoBridges NEW Tmedia TMG800 and TMG3200 VoIP/Media Gateways Outperform the Competition by up to 100% for TDM-IP and IP-TDM” announced performance results achieved by the New Tmedia VoIP gateways.

VoIP / Media Gateway Benchmarks

  • TMG7800
    • Very high capacity, high-availability media gateway cluster with redundant integrated media gateway controllers; available configuration of a mix of 1024 T1/E1/J1s, 48 DS-3, and/or 16 STM-1 interfaces for a total of 32,768 ports per rack; aimed at network core, including device replacement and consolidation projects

Comparing models

The following table lists the various technical capabilities that are common to all members of the Tmedia family of media gateways.

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This table provides a high-level summary of the differences between the various Tmedia media gateway devices.

Tmedia comparison-differences.jpg

Finally, this table shows the applicability of the various Tmedia models to different market requirements.

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