TB Support A la Carte

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The TB Support Program is divided into two levels, the second level is called TB Support A la Carte and is paid support for our clients.

TB Support A la Carte consists of the following technical support packages:

9 to 5 Support Bank Options
9 to 5 Support Bank (5 hrs.), $875.00
9 to 5 Support Bank (25 hrs.), $4,156.25
9 to 5 Support Bank (50 hrs.), $7,875.00

24/7 Support Bank Options
24/7 Support Bank (5 hrs.), $1,250.00
24/7 Support Bank (25 hrs.), $5,937.50
24/7 Support Bank (50 hrs.), $11,250.00

Remote Installation (2.5 hrs.), $350.00
Extended Warranty (12 months), $1,000.00/unit
Onsite install/Onsite training, $2,000.00/day

For more information please checkout our TB Support documents:

NOTE: All prices stipulated are undertood to be in USD and are MSRP (manufacturers suggested retail price).

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