Resetting the Host Role

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This article applies to: Product Version
Tmedia 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 3.0, 3.2
SBC 3.0, 3.1

If you need to change internal IP addresses, you must reset the host role settings of the unit.

To reset the host role, do the following:

1- Click Hosts in the navigation panel.

HostRoleReset 0 A.png

2- Select the serial number of the unit.

HostRoleReset 1 A.png

3- Click the Status tab.

HostRoleReset 2 A.png

4- Select Reset Host Role

  • Click Apply Action

HostRoleReset 3 A.png

5- The Web Portal setup wizard is displayed. (You may need to refresh your web page to see this)

HostRoleReset 4 A.png

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