Toolpack v2.3:Creating a Primary Line SONET/SDH Interface

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Note: In order to create a line interface, the Tmedia unit must have a TDM module installed.

To add a line interface

1. Select Line Interfaces from the navigation panel.

Navigation Panel v2.3 Line Interfaces.png

2. Click 'Create New Line Interface' from the Information panel.

Web Portal v2.3 Create New Line Interface.png

3. To create a Primary OC3 line interface:

  • Enter a name for the line interface, and set the Line Type to OC3
  • Set the local index to 0 which corresponds with fibre number 1, and set TX State to Laser On
  • Set the Channel to 1 for the primary interface
  • Click Create


The Line Interface was successfully created message is displayed.


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