Manual Database Backup
From TBwiki
To backup the MySQL database, use the following commands (example is for major version 3.1):
mysqldump -u tbdb -ptbdbpw --opt toolpack_3_1 > toolpack_3_1_bk.sql
Then, you need to save the "toolpack_3_1_bk.sql" file in a safe place.
You can recover the database this way:
mysql -u tbdb -ptbdbpw toolpack_3_1 < toolpack_3_1_bk.sql
This procedure can also be used to make copies of similar configurations from one Toolpack system to another. The Serial Number of the Tmedia used must be updated after the new database is in place using the Migration tab. If the tab is not present, you can do it manually (contact support)
For scheduled backups, see Scheduled Database Backup
Here are other useful mysql commands:
mysql –u tbdb –p tbdbpw use toolpack_3_1; show tables; SELECT * from system_infos; SELECT * from mysql.user;
To work with the MySQL service (CentOS 5):
service mysqld stop service mysqld start ps -ef | grep mysqld
To work with the MySQL service (CentOS 7):
Enable and start MariaDB
systemctl enable mariadb systemctl start mariadb