Hardware Unit Status

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Applies to version(s): v2.8.

There are muliple ways to verify the status of a hardware unit. This article illustrates how to verify status using the Status menu and the Navigation panel.


Status menu

1- Click Status in the navigation panel.

Status 0.png

2- Click the Hardware Units tab.

TabHardware 0.png

3- Click the Units tab.

TabHardware Units 0.png

4- Select the desired hardware unit serial number.

StatusHardware 1a.png

The status of the hardware unit is displayed.

StatusHardware 4.png

Navigation Panel

1- Click Hardware Units from the navigation panel.

StatusHardwareNavPanel 0.png

2- Click the Hardware Unit Status tab.

StatusHardware 2.png

3- Select a hardware unit serial number from TDM/IP Gateway Units or TMS Units list.

StatusHardware 3.png

The status of the hardware unit is displayed.

StatusHardware 4.png

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