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TB-MIB Groups
The TelcoBridges privately-defined MIB module, TB-MIB, is used to poll status information and usage statistics that have not been defined in standardized MIB modules. The TB-MIB is divided into these groups:
- tbDirectory
- tbCommon
- tbSignaling
- tbCalls
- tbNAP
- tbHighAvailability
- tbClock
- tbLineServicesUsage
- tbConformance
- The tbDirectory Group:
This group contains the tbModuleTable and tbMIBObjetcs definition.
The table can be used to view a list of all MIB-modules currently supported by TelcoBridges, and exposed by the TMedia hardware.
The tbMIBObjects contains the tbTraps definition of TelcoBridges related traps.
- The tbCommon Group:
This group contains two sub-groups: the tbHwCommon and the tbSwCommon.- The hardware sub-group contains different tables, that define MIB objects for hardware identification, version, temperature, power supply and fan.
Sub-groups include:- tbHwIdentTable
- tbHwVersionTable
- tbHwTempTable
- tbHwPowerSupplyTable
- tbHwFanTable
- The software sub-group contains different tables, that define MIB objects for software features, version and performance.
Sub-groups include:- tbFeatureTable
- tbSwVersionTable
- tbSwPerfTable
- The hardware sub-group contains different tables, that define MIB objects for hardware identification, version, temperature, power supply and fan.
- The tbSignaling Group:
This group contains sub-groups, each with a different number of tables, that define MIB objects for SS7, SIGTRAN, ISDN, CAS, SIP and H.248 signaling protocols.
Subgroups include:- tbMtp2
- tbM2pa
- tbM2ua
- tbIua
- tbM3ua
- tbIsdn
- tbCas
- tbSip
- tbH248
- The tbCalls Group:
This group contains calls leg information.
- The tbNAP Group:
This group contains network access point information.
- The tbHighAvailibility Group:
This group contains two sub-groups: the tbHaNp1 and the tbHaApp.- The Np1 sub-group contains tbHaNp1Table, that define MIB objects for 1+1 and N+1 states.
- The App sub-group contains tbHaAppTable, that define MIB objects for applications states
- The tbClock Group:
This group contains tbClockTable, that define MIB objects for clocking.
- The tbLineServicesUsage Group:
This group contains tbLineServicesUsageTable, that define MIB objects for line services usage information.
- The tbHost Group:
This group contains tbHostTable, that define MIB objects for general host information.
- The tbHostFeature Group:
This group contains tbHostFeatureTable, that define MIB objects for host license information (allowed features).
- The tbHostFirewall Group:
This group contains tbHostFirewallTable, that define MIB objects for firewall (SBC) status and statistics.
- The tbConformance Group:
This group contains only conformance information for the TB-MIB module.
This is SMIv2-compliant information for setting compliance standards, and does not contain fetchable information.
The TB-MIB module file is backward compatible between Toolpack release, unless mentioned below.
- Toolpack release v3.0 onward : (last version) TB-MIB - 2018 [click to download]
- Toolpack release previous to v3.0 : TB-MIB - 2016 [click to download]
- Toolpack release previous to v2.9 : TB-MIB - 2014 [click to download]
- Toolpack release previous to v2.8 : TB-MIB - 2012 [click to download]
- Toolpack release previous to v2.6.30 : TB-MIB - 2011 [click to download]