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Toolpack currently offers three types of alarms.


The alarm (event) notification message is received by the host application when a SCCP is reporting an error. General explanation of the alarm event notification fields:

  • The SCCP handle field specifies the handle of the SCCP instance

  • The Category field indicates the category of the alarm. Possible values:

Alarm Category Description
Protocol Protocol related alarms
Interface Interface related alarms

  • The Event field specifies the event that cause the alarm

  • The Cause field specifies the cause of the alarm

Event of Protocol Category Cause Description
Protocol Invalid Event

Decode Error

Invalid network message
  • Message decoding error
  • Invalid message type
Routing error Invalid Route Routing error
Hop violation Out of range Message discarded due to hop counter violation
Unequipped Protocol unequipped MTP-STATUS with indication remote SCCP unequipped.

LSAP Alarm

The alarm (event) notification message is received by the host application when a SCCP LSAP is reporting an error. General explanation of the LSAP alarm event notification fields:

  • The SCCP handle field specifies the handle of the SCCP instance
  • The SCCP LSAP handle field specifies the handle of the SCCP LSAP instance
  • The Category field indicates the category of the LSAP alarm. Possible values: see SCCP alarm category table at the beginning of this page
  • The Event field specifies the event that cause the LSAP alarm

  • The Cause field specifies the cause of the Lsap alarm.

SCCP event and cause LSAP alarm under CATEGORY_PROTOCOL
Event of Protocol Category Cause Description
Protocol bind-fail Unknown Bind with service provider failed.
Protocol syntax error Invalid network message Syntax error in message received from the network.

SCCP event and cause LSAP alarm under CATEGORY_INTERFACE
Event of Interface Category Cause Description
Invalid lower interface event
  • Out of range
  • Interface invalid SU
  • Interface protocol not active
Invalid lower interface event because of:
  • Parameter value out of range
  • Invalid suId
  • Protocol layer not active

Userpart Alarm

The alarm (event) notification message is received by the host application when a SCCP Userpart is reporting an error. General explanation of the Userpart alarm event notification fields:

  • The SCCP handle field specifies the handle of the SCCP instance
  • The SCCP Userpart handle field specifies the handle of the SCCP Userpart instance
  • The Category field indicates the category of the Userpart alarm. Possible values: see Table 90 - SCCP alarm category 0350033003000340039000000 .
  • The Event field specifies the event that cause the Userpart alarm.

  • The Cause field specifies the cause of the Userpart alarm

SCCP event and cause LSAP alarm under CATEGORY_PROTOCOL
Event of Protocol Category Cause Description
Protocol in-service Protocol user-initiated SCCP user came in-service (user initiated request)
Protocol out-of-service Protocol user-initiated SCCP user going OOS (user initiated request)

SCCP event and cause LSAP alarm under CATEGORY_INTERFACE
Event of Interface Category Cause Description
Invalid upper interface event
  • Out of range
  • Interface invalid SP
  • Interface protocol not active
Invalid upper interface event because of:
  • Parameter value out of range.
  • Invalid spId.
  • Protocol layer not active.
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