SCCP/API:Userpart Statistics
From TBwiki
(Redirected from SCCP:Userpart Statistics)
- The Subsystem out of service request granted counter indicates the number of subsystem out of service request granted messages.
- The Subsystem out of service request denied counter indicates the number of subsystem out of service request denied messages.
- The Subsystem prohibited start counter indicates the number of start of subsystem prohibited messages.
- The Subsystem prohibited stop counter indicates the number of stop of subsystem prohibited.
- The Messages transmitted to backup subsystem counter indicates the number of messages sent to the backup subsystem.
- The Messages transmitted class 0 counter indicates the number of class 0 messages sent by the user.
- The Messages transmitted class 1 counter indicates the number of class 1 messages sent by the user.
- The messages received class 0 counter indicates the number of class 0 messages received for the user.
- The Messages received class 1 counter indicates the number of class 1 messages received for the user.