Toolpack:Configuring tbSnmpAgent C

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(Applies to version(s): v2.9)
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==List of Parameters==
==List of Parameters==

Revision as of 10:40, 21 October 2015

Applies to version(s): v2.9

Once you have successfully activated the tbSnmpAgent application, follow these steps to configure the SNMP system parameters:

1-Click Services in the navigation panel.

Snmp cfg A 0.png

2-Select the SNMP tab.

Snmp cfg A 1.png

3-Enter values for the following parameters:

  • SNMP IP Port: The IP port to use for making SNMP requests (standard default value is 161).
  • SNMP System Description: The textual description that will appear when polling the sysDescr variable of the SNMPv2-MIB.
  • SNMP System Object ID: The value appended to TelcoBridges' value (. for the SNMPv2-MIB variable sysObjectId**SNMP System Name: the textual description that will appear when polling the sysName variable of the SNMPv2-MIB.
  • SNMP System Location: The textual description that will appear when polling the sysLocation variable of the SNMPv2-MIB.
  • SNMP System Contact: The textual description that will appear when polling the sysContact variable of the SNMPv2-MIB.

Snmp cfg A 2.png

4-Click Advanced Params to view or change advanced settings for the following parameter(s):

  • Polling delay to generate traps: Sets the length (in seconds) for the time intervals at which the SNMP agent polls for newly generated traps.
  • Use system names: Indicates that SNMP uses the names interfaces of the system instead of the names interfaces generated by adapters.

Snmp cfg A 3.png

  • Click Save

5-Verify that the ApplicationCfg was sucessfully updated message is displayed.

Snmp cfg 6.png



Parameters (text)

ip_port             = 161
system_contact      = ""
system_description  = ""
system_location     = ""
system_object_id    = "1"
use_system_names    = false

Parameters (json)

  "ip_port" : 161,
  "system_contact" : "",
  "system_description" : "",
  "system_location" : "",
  "system_object_id" : "1",
  "use_system_names" : false,

List of Parameters

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