Toolpack v2.3:Creating a Clocking Source

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(Created page with ''''1. Select Clocking from the navigation panel.''' '''2. Click 'Create New System Clock Reference'.''' [[Image:Screenshot…')
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Latest revision as of 14:04, 25 October 2009

1. Select Clocking from the navigation panel.

Navigation Panel v2.3 Clocking.png

2. Click 'Create New System Clock Reference'.

Web Portal v2.3 Create New System Clock Reference.png

3. Select a hardware adapter.

  • Select a Clock Reference Type and Source
  • Click Create

Web Portal v2.3 Creating New Clock.png

4. Once a new clock reference has been created:

  • Set its priority in relation to other clocking sources.
  • A single lined arrow moves the clocking source either one step closer to the top of the list or the bottom.
  • A double lined arrow moves the clocking source either completely to the top or the bottom of the clocking source list.

Web Portal v2.3 Creating New Clock Success.png

Web Portal v2.3 Clock Up 1.png

Web Portal v2.3 Clock Up 2.png

Note: The clock source closest to the top is the highest priority and is selected as the first choice by the system manager as long as the clock source is a valid one.

Verifying Status

To verify the status of the system clocks, either select Status from the Navigation panel or select the Status tab in the Information panel.

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