Toolpack:Creating an H.248 Configuration A

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==List of Parameters==
* [[Parameter: Transport Protocol Type|Transport Protocol Type]]
* [[Parameter: Public IP Address|Public IP Address]]
* [[Parameter: Private IP Address|Private IP Address]]

Revision as of 13:30, 10 August 2010

Now that you have create the necessary VoIP and TDM NAPs, you are ready to create a new H.248 configuration.
To do so:

1- Click H248 in the navigation panel

Toolpack v2.5 Navigation Panel H248.png

2- Create the new configuration:

  • Select a transport protocol type
  • Enter a public IP address
  • Enter a private IP address
  • Click Create

Toolpack v2.5 Creating H248 Configuration.png

3- Verify that the "TbgwH248Cfg was successfully created" message appears

Toolpack v2.5 H248 Configuration Created.png

List of Parameters

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