Troubleshooting Toolpack

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This page contains pointers to help troubleshooting the Toolpack system.




The Toolpack system does not start


I want to change the Ip Address of the TMG800/TMG3200 from static to DHCP or from DHCP to static.


I want to change the hostname of the server running Toolpack

Web portal


The web portal do not start or is not accessible.


I cannot perform addition or modification of configuration in the web portal. Usually this occurs in a new Toolpack Platform, for example, when new Toolpack software has been just installed on a host or a new TMG3200 is started up.


Do not have permission to add features.
  • How to modify system configuration


The system does not work properly with a copied configuration.

Toolpack application suite




The Tmedia do not accept or generate calls

To debug calls, different methods can be used:

  • Using the Call Detail Records
This can be done in the configuration database, using Radius or in text files.

See Text Call Detail Records (CDR)

  • Using the log files
Log files from web portal
Logs -> Select filename -> 2000 lines -> select Read
Brief details on the application:
gateway application is for high-level call routing, like calling number and NAPs.
toolpack_engine handles the protocols and media
toolpack_sys_manager handles the configuration of the system
tboamapp controls the startup of the applications
tbstreamserver is used for playing and recording files (by default it is not started)
tblogtrace are log coming from the platform (TMP6400 or other)

You can change the trace level of the application here:
Applications-> Configurations -> edit -> Log Params -> Default Trace Level
And then activating the new configuration
Log files from server
You can get the files directly from the server running Toolpack at this location:

  • Using the signaling traces
You can get the signaling traces (SS7, ISDN and SIP) using the tbsigtrace program: using tbsigtrace

How to gather all logs


Which application logs should I gathered?

How to submit a problem


Don't know what else to do
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