Creating a DNS Group
Applies to version(s): v3.1
Note: This article describes how to configure a DNS Group, which is not the same as creating a DNS server group for the Linux host.
You can create one or more DNS Groups to manage the DNS Server traffic of Fully Qualified Domain Names.
1- Click DNS in the navigation panel
2- Click Create New DNS Group
3- Enter a name for the DNS Group.
- Click Create
4- Verify that the "DNS group was successfully created" message appears
5- Create a DNS Server for the DNS Group.
- Click Create New DNS Server.
6- Configure the DNS Server.
- Enter a name for the DNS server.
- Enter and IP address for the server.
- Select a Local IP interface.
- Click Create.
7- Verify that the "DNS server was successfully created" message appears
8- Select an IP interface from the list of available interfaces.
9- Create a new DNS local entry for the DNS server.
- Click Create New DNS local entry.
10- Configure the DNS local entry.
- Enter a name for the DNS local entry
- Enter an FQDN.
- Click Create.
The DNS Group with the new DNS Server and DNS Local entries are displayed.
List of Parameters