Toolpack version 2.5

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Revision as of 14:08, 15 June 2010 by Cbilodeau (Talk | contribs)
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New Features

Toolpack version 2.5 provides the following new features:

Support for Media Leg API

  • This release of Toolpack allows the use of the media resources (TDM channels, RTP streams), without having to use the signaling stacks provided by TelcoBridges. This allows customers to use their own SIP stack, and use the high-performance RTP and vocoding from TelcoBridges. The same can be done with SS7 and Sigtran on the TDM network. The Media Leg API can be used in conjunction with the Call Leg API, thus having a hybrid system.

Support for H.248

  • This allows the Tmedia platform to be controlled by a SoftSwitch

Support for H.323

  • This adds to the IP interconnection capability of the Tmedia devices. H.323 allows interconnection where SIP is not available.

Support for CAS R2 in Toolpack

  • This adds a new signalling protocol to Toolpack. CAS R2 in Toolpack works on all TelcoBridges platforms which have IVR DSP devices. This makes a complete TDM offering with SS7, Sigtran and ISDN-PRI.

New Enhancements

Toolpack version 2.5 also improve usability and ease-of-use by adding the following enhancements:

Web Portal Host-control

  • This new feature allow the user to upload a new Toolpack installer, upload a new license, shutdown a Toolpack host using the web portal.

Web Portal Database Backup

  • Using the web portal, it is possible to create/manage Toolpack database backup.

Web Portal configuration copy

  • When copying a configuration

Latest Release is available here:

New release will be available soon. Please ask support team.

Updated May 28 2010

Toolpack installation guide

Please refer to the guide based on the version of Toolpack that you plan to install.

Uninstalling Toolpack

You may also decide to remove Toolpack from a given host. The following will enable you to do so:

Major Upgrades

It is considered a major upgrade when changing to a full release version or a major point release (e.g., v2.3 to v2.4 or v2.4 to v2.5). Please note that major upgrades require service interruption.

Minor Upgrades

It is considered a minor upgrade when moving, for example, from upgrading a minor point release (e.g., v2.5.1 to v2.5.2).

License Upgrades

A license upgrade activates new functionality or capacity in the system. Example of license upgrades include adding SS7 signalling or unlocking additional IVR capabilities.

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