CAF: Working With Call Legs

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TelcoBridges Toolpack framework offers two API layers to manipulate call legs and audio mixers (conferences).

We recommend that developers use the CAF API layer, as it offers higher-level functionality which accelerate application development.

CMC API layer

The lower-level API is based on classes CTBCMCLeg and CTBCMCMixer. These classes allow receiving leg or mixer events (answered, digit collected, terminating, etc.), and send requests to perform actions (answer, play, terminate, etc.).

The following page explains how to work with CTBCMCLeg directly, for lower-level applications that don't want the convenience of the CAF Call framework

Working with CMC Call Legs

CAF API layer

A higher-level API uses the base classes CTBCMCLeg and CTBCMCMixer, but adds the following functionalities: - Simplification of call legs creations through single functions (AddIncoming, AddOutgoing, CreateMixer) - Centralizing reception of events from call legs and mixers in to a single "Call Flow" (CTBCAFCallFlow), which deals with inter-relations between legs and mixers. - Auto-destruction of call legs (CTBCMCLeg) and mixers (CTBCMCMixer) through usage of "smart" pointers. - Auto-destruction of the call flow (CTBCAFCallFlow) upon destruction of last leg/mixer.

The following page explains how to work with CAF Call leg framework (CTBCAFCallLeg, CTBCAFCallFlow, CTBCAFCallBehavior, etc...)

Working with CAF Call Legs and behaviors

The following page provides more details on call legs re-synchronization between toolpack_engine application and user "CAF" application:

Re-synchronizing CAF call legs

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