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Toolpack audio mixers
A mixer is used to mix the audio of multiple sources (call legs, playing audio file, tone generation...)
Typical usage of audio mixers
Audio mixers can be used, among other things, to:
- Build conferences
- Play background music to a conversation
- Record both sides of the conversation into a single recorded file.
Joining audio source to a mixer
There are 3 ways to join a mixer:
- Join as a listener only
- Join as a talker only
- Join as a talker and listener
The mixer has the following limits on the number of talkers:
- The mixer can have any number of talkers (up to maximum TMedia system capacity of 32,000 call legs)
- Among these talkers, up to 10 will be considered as "active" (the 10 from which audio was received the most recently)
- Among these 10 active talkers, the audio from loudest N talkers will be mixed (other will be ignored)
The mixer has the following limits on the number of listeners:
- The mixer can have any number of listeners (up to maximum TMedia system capacity of 32,000 call legs)
Resource usage of talkers and listeners:
- An active talker uses one mixer slot (up to 10 per conference)
- All non-active talkers, plus all listeners all share one mixer slot (thus maximum 1 per conference)
- IVR (playing file, playing tone, recording file) use one mixer slot
The maximum "slots" that a mixer can use is thus 12.