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Toolpack audio mixers

A mixer is used to mix the audio of multiple sources (call legs, playing audio file, tone generator...)

Typical usage of audio mixers

Audio mixers can be used, among other things, to:

  • Build conferences
  • Insert background music to a conversation
  • Record both sides of the conversation into a single recorded file.

Joining audio source to a mixer

There are 2 ways to join a mixer:

  • Join as a listener only
  • Join as a speaker. Speakers can be active / or inactive (inactive speakers are not mixed, but monitored for voice activity)

Mixer internal.png

Maximum call legs per mixer

The mixer has the following capabilities:

  • The mixer can have any number of listeners (up to maximum number of call legs supported by the TMedia system)
  • The mixer can have any number of speakers (up to maximum number of call legs supported by the TMedia system)
    • Among these speakers, up to 10 will be considered as "active" (the 10 from which voice was received the most recently)
    • Among these 10 active speakers, the audio from dominant N speakers will be mixed (N can be configured per mixer)

Resource usage of mixers

  • An active speaker uses one mixer slot (up to 10 per conference)
  • All non-active speakers use one mixer slot (although there is no per-conference limit)
  • All listeners share the same mixer slot
  • IVR on the mixer (playing file, recording file) use one mixer slot. It is possible to record and play at the same time, but the recording does not contain what is played on the mixer
  • It is possible to have a recording that contains what is played on the mixer, but it uses one more mixer slot (total of 2 slots)

Note: A delay of 15 seconds is awaited when a mixer can be "scaled-down" (any reason making the number of slots required smaller), to reduce the number of times a mixer is being scaled up/down as users join/leave conference (very often, multiple users leave almost at the same time, for example).

TMedia conference capacity

In order to use conferences, TMedia must be equipped with DSPs. Each TMP6400 unit can be equipped with DSPs for 1,824 conference "slots" (thus a total of 29,184 for large TMP6400 system). If mixers need to be joined with call legs from different adapters, a TMS switch is needed.

Here are capacity results, depending of conference type:

- 3 call legs in a conference and no play/record:

608 conferences and 1,824 "slots"

- 2 call legs in a conference and play/record activated:

680 conferences and 2,040 "slots"

- 1 call leg in a conference and play and record activated (can record what is played):

680 conferences and 2,040 "slots"

- 11 call legs in a conference and play/record activated:

168 conferences and 2,016 "slots"

- 12 call legs in a conference and no play/record:

160 conferences and 1,920 "slots"

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