How to Troubleshoot Call Routing

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To debug calls, different methods can be used:


Using the Call Detail Records

This can be done in the configuration database, using RADIUS or in text files. See Call Detail Records (CDR)

Using the Call Trace Tool 

Call Trace was created to trace the callflow from any incoming call through the Tmedia system. It allows to see the incoming call, outgoing calls, TDM channel, SIP SDP and more. This can be accessed from the Web Portal. You can create a filter to see call information. See Using Call Trace.

Using the web portal status

Status -> NAP -> Edit

You can see how many instantaneous calls incoming, outgoing, in the last hour, in the last 24 hours, etc.

Using the applications log files

Brief details on the application:

  • gateway application is for high-level call routing, like called number, Network Access Points, routing scripts, regular expressions.
  • toolpack_engine handles the protocols (SS7, SIP, ISDN, CAS, Sigtran, etc.) and media (RTP, TDM, tones, etc)
  • toolpack_sys_manager handles the configuration of the system
  • tboamapp controls the startup of the applications and system upgrades
  • tbstreamserver is used for playing and recording files; by default this application is not started. See How to Start Stream Server
  • tblogtrace are low-level logs coming from the Telecom platform
  • tbsnmpagent/tbsnmpmux allows SNMP queries to unit
  • tbuctwriter captures call traces

Change an Application log trace level

You can change the trace level of the application here:

Applications-> [Application name] -> Advanced parameters -> Default Trace Level -> Save

And then activate the new configuration. Trace level 3 for gateway and toolpack_engine application will give most of the required information.

Get log files from web portal

Maintenance -> Logs -> Select filename -> 2000 lines -> select Read

Get the log files from the server

You can get the files directly from the server running Toolpack. Connect sFTP (for example using Winscp or filezilla) to the management port of the unit and get the files at this location:


Using the signaling traces

You can get the signaling traces (SS7, ISDN and SIP) using the tbsigtrace program: using tbsigtrace

Using the Toolpack programs backdoor tool

You can access to the toolpack applications directly by using the tbx_cli_tools_remote application. This application allows full control over any Toolpack application. This allows for example to view real time calls going through the Toolpack Engine.

Select this to learn How to use tbx cli tools remote program.

Typical errors:

404 not found

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