Configuring an IP Port Range

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This article applies to: Product Version
Tmedia 2.9, 2.10, 3.0, 3.2

A range of IP ports can be configured.

To configure an RTP port range

1. Select IP Interfaces from the navigation panel:

Create Voip Interface 0.png

2. Click the RTP Port Ranges tab:

  • Click Create New RTP Port Ranges

CreateIP PortRange 0.png

3. Configure the range of ports:

  • Enter a name for the port range
  • Select one or more IP interfaces
  • Enter a minimum port number for the port range
  • Enter a maximum port number for the port range
  • Click Create

CreateIP PortRange 1.png



Parameters (text)

ip_interface = "@[hardware_name]"."@[port_name]"
name         = "Default"
port_max     = 60000
port_min     = 10000
unique_name  = "@[name]"

Parameters (json)

  "ip_interface" : "@[hardware_name]"."@[port_name]",
  "name" : "Default",
  "port_max" : 60000,
  "port_min" : 10000,
  "unique_name" : "@[name]"

List of Parameters

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