Creating an M3UA Configuration

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This article applies to: Product Version
Tmedia 2.9, 2.10, 3.0, 3.2

To set up a M3UA system on an IP server process (IPSP), you must create an M3UA configuration. In this configuration the SS7 MTP2 and MTP3 layers are replaced entirely by the SIGTRAN M3UA layer. The system is typically set up on two IP signaling points.

To create an M3UA configuration on IPSP:

1- Click M3UA in the navigation panel:

CreateM3ua 0.png

2- Configure the M3UA service for IPSP:

  • Enter a name for the configuration
  • Select IP Server Process (IPSP) as the node type
  • Click Create

CreateM3ua 1.png

3- Verify that the "M3ua Cfg was successfully created" message appears

CreateM3ua 2.png



Parameters (text)

enabled             = false
name                = "@[m3ua_name]"
node_type           = "IP Server Process (IPSP)"

as_pending_timer               = "5 seconds"
asp_down_timer                 = "2 seconds"
asp_msg_timer                  = "2 seconds"
asp_up_timer                   = "2 seconds"
cong_level_1                   = 500
cong_level_2                   = 600
cong_level_3                   = 750
daud_timer                     = "2 seconds"
destination_restrict_supported = false
drkm_nb_msg                    = 3
drkm_timer                     = "2 seconds"
duna_settle_timer              = "1 second"
heartbeat_timer                = ""
mtp3_status_timer              = "5 seconds"
only_one_hardware_unit_active  = false
restart_timer                  = "10 seconds"
seq_control_timer              = "1 second"

Parameters (json)

  "advanced_parameters" : {
    "as_pending_timer" : "5 seconds",
    "asp_down_timer" : "2 seconds",
    "asp_msg_timer" : "2 seconds",
    "asp_up_timer" : "2 seconds",
    "cong_level_1" : 500,
    "cong_level_2" : 600,
    "cong_level_3" : 750,
    "daud_timer" : "2 seconds",
    "destination_restrict_supported" : false,
    "drkm_nb_msg" : 3,
    "drkm_timer" : "2 seconds",
    "duna_settle_timer" : "1 second",
    "heartbeat_timer" : "",
    "mtp3_status_timer" : "5 seconds",
    "only_one_hardware_unit_active" : false,
    "restart_timer" : "10 seconds",
    "seq_control_timer" : "1 second"
  "enabled" : false,
  "name" : "@[m3ua_name]",
  "node_type" : "IP Server Process (IPSP)"

List of Parameters

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