Toolpack v2.3:Creating a Clocking Source

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1. Select Clocking from the navigation panel.

Navigation Panel v2.3 Clocking.png

2. Click 'Create New System Clock Reference'.

Web Portal v2.3 Create New System Clock Reference.png

3. Select a hardware adapter.

  • Select a Clock Reference Type and Source
  • Click Create

Web Portal v2.3 Creating New Clock.png

4. Once a new clock reference has been created:

  • Set its priority in relation to other clocking sources.
  • A single lined arrow moves the clocking source either one step closer to the top of the list or the bottom.
  • A double lined arrow moves the clocking source either completely to the top or the bottom of the clocking source list.

Web Portal v2.3 Creating New Clock Success.png



Note: The clock source closest to the top is the highest priority and is selected as the first choice by the system manager as long as the clock source is a valid one.

Verifying Status

To verify the status of the system clocks, either select Status from the Navigation panel or select the Status tab in the Information panel.

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