High Availability:Hardware:Tdm Interfaces
TelcoBridges products supports 3 types of line interfaces in 4 possible TDM modules.
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Only the SONET/SDH interfaces have an innate redundancy feature. There are 2 ports per SONET/SDH interfaces modules: Main and APS. In the eventuality where the Main fiber is damage or disconnected, the APS can take over and resume service.
Line Service Distribution
The DS3 and E1/J1/T1 interfaces doesn't have redundancy connectors. To minimize the effect of a line interface failure, it is recommended to distribute groups of line services of each devices between providers when possible. This create share loading between devices and avoid overwhelming a system provider because all the traffic are redirected to a single device.
Recommended Setup
This is a recommended setup when using DS3, SCSI or RJ48 interfaces: