TDM Module Options

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The Tmedia TMG3200 and TMP6400 units are furnished with a variety of TDM modules configured with the following capacities:

  • 16 RJ48F ports providing connection for 16 (T1/E1/J1) lines
  • 4 SCSI ports providing connection for 64 (T1/E1/J1) lines (via optional patch panel)
  • 3 sets of dual BNC ports for connection to 3 DS3 lines
  • 2 sets of electrical or optical ports for connection to two OC3/STM-1 lines (one line is for automatic protection switching).

See figure below for a rear view layout of the four TDM options.

Schematic-TMD-module options.jpg

Regardless of the option, each TDM module requires that it be added as a line interface to the configuration of the Tmedia unit; furthermore, line services are required in order to transport the payload and signaling for each port.

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