Tone definitions

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Tone definitions

It is possible through the Toolpack Web Portal to specify the parameters of ringing, busy, congestion (or fast busy), and warning call progress tones. These settings are available in

Profiles -> Tone Profile Params 

The tones are described using a programmable string of characters defined in the H.248 Dynamic Tone Definition Package. To learn more about tone description strings, see the section related to this subject.

Examples of Call Progress tones

The following table contains a few call progress tone definition strings that can be used to replace the default ones in the Toolpack Web Portal.

Ring Busy Congestion Warning
Brazil ((#425,1000),(#0,4000))*0 ((#425,250),(#0,250))*0 ((#425,750),(#0,250),(#425,250),(#0,250))*0 unused
China ((#450,1000),(#0,4000))*0 ((#450,350),(#0,350))*0 ((#450,700),(#0,700))*0 unused
France ((#440,1500),(#0,3500))*0 ((#440,500),(#0,500))*0 ((#440,250),(#0,250))*0 unused
Germany ((#425,1000),(#0,4000))*0 ((#425,480),(#0,480))*0 ((#425,240),(#0,240))*0 ((#425,240),(#0,240),(#425,240),(#0,1280))*0
Hong Kong ((((#440)+(#480)),400),(#0,200),(((#440)+(#480)),400),(#0,3000))*0 ((((#480)+(#620)),500),(#0,500))*0 ((((#480)+(#620)),250),(#0,250))*0 unused
North America ((((#440)+(#480)),2000),(#0,4000))*0 ((((#480)+(#620)),500),(#0,500))*0 ((((#480)+(#620)),250),(#0,250))*0 ((#1400),500)
Spain ((#425,1500),(#0,3000))*0 ((#425,200),(#0,200))*0 ((#425,200),(#0,200),(#425,200),(#0,200),(#425,200),(#0,600))*0 (((#1400),400),(#0,5000))*0
United Kingdom ((((#400)+(#450)),400),(#0,200),(((#400)+(#450)),400),(#0,2000))*0 ((#400,375),(#0,375))*0 ((#400,400),(#0,350),(#400,225),(#0,525))*0 unused
The Moon... ((#262,2000),(#391,2000),(#523,4000),(((#659)+(#523)),250),(((#622)+(#523)),3750),(#262,400),(#196,400),(#262,400),(#196,400),(#262,400),(#196,400),(#262,400),(#196,400),(#262,420),(#196,460),(#262,540),(#196,620))*0

Playing and collecting tones

To learn how to play these tones using the Call Leg API, refer to the Playing and Collecting Tones section.

For example, to play the ringing tone, pass, either directly the ((((#440)+(#480)),2000),(#0,4000))*0 or cg/rt to the AddToneString() function. The cg/rt string refers to the current Tone Profile Params ringing tone setting from the Web Portal.

Tone volume

It is possible to change the ring tone volume. According to the syntax, you need to specify the desired volume after the tone duration. Here is an example: ((((#440)+(#480)),2000,-15),(#0,4000))*0

The possible values are: -19, -15, -10, -5 and 0 dB.

Available tones

Below is a comprehensive list of all the tone strings that can be passed to the AddToneString() function.

Tone generation
Package Signal String
Basic DTMF generation 0 dg/d0
1 dg/d1
2 dg/d2
3 dg/d3
4 dg/d4
5 dg/d5
6 dg/d6
7 dg/d7
8 dg/d8
9 dg/d9
* dg/ds
# dg/do
A dg/da
B dg/db
C dg/dc
D dg/dd
Call Progress generation Ring cg/rt
Busy cg/bt
Congestion cg/ct
Warning cg/wt
MF tone generation 0 mfg/mf0
1 mfg/mf1
2 mfg/mf2
3 mfg/mf3
4 mfg/mf4
5 mfg/mf5
6 mfg/mf6
7 mfg/mf7
8 mfg/mf8
9 mfg/mf9
KP mfg/mfa
ST mfg/mfe
Telcofax CNG telcofax/cng
g164 telcofax/g164
g165 telcofax/g165
Tone detection
Package Signal String
Basic DTMF detection 0 dd/d0
1 dd/d1
2 dd/d2
3 dd/d3
4 dd/d4
5 dd/d5
6 dd/d6
7 dd/d7
8 dd/d8
9 dd/d9
* dd/ds
# dd/do
A dd/da
B dd/db
C dd/dc
D dd/dd
MF tone generation 0 mfd/mf0
1 mfd/mf1
2 mfd/mf2
3 mfd/mf3
4 mfd/mf4
5 mfd/mf5
6 mfd/mf6
7 mfd/mf7
8 mfd/mf8
9 mfd/mf9
KP mfd/mfa
ST mfd/mfe
Telcofax CNG telcofax/cng
g164 telcofax/g164
g165 telcofax/g165
ansam telcofax/ansam
phase_rev_ansam telcofax/phase_rev_ansam
v21_flags telcofax/v21_flags
bell_ans telcofax/bell_ans


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