Centos Check CPU Usage

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This procedure is used to check the CPU usage.
Since this is a standard distribution of linux, customers can use other available commands.

Check CPU usage

From the web interface you can see the CPU usage:

 Hosts -> Status -> Select Host -> Processor Usage tab

Processor usage.png

From the SSH access, here are the available commands.
With the top command you can see the total CPU usage (and Memory usage) of the host:

# top 
top - 14:16:25 up 22 days,  6:35,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.06
Tasks: 143 total,   1 running, 142 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  0.5%us,  0.3%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.1%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.1%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   2041616k total,  1998588k used,    43028k free,   413676k buffers
Swap:  4458028k total,      152k used,  4457876k free,   879748k cached
6718 root      15   0  375m  26m 9740 S  0.7  1.3  88:31.47 tboamapp
7126 root      15   0  352m  30m 5060 S  0.7  1.5   4:43.39 tbstreamserver
7281 root      15   0  338m  27m  10m S  0.7  1.4  18:35.59 toolpack_sys_ma
2815 mysql     15   0  389m  60m 5132 S  0.3  3.0 189:01.28 mysqld
6943 root      15   0  301m  11m 4272 S  0.3  0.6   3:15.30 tblogtrace
7421 root      16   0  161m  14m 5156 S  0.3  0.7  13:42.17 snmpd
7425 root      15   0  265m  11m 3732 S  0.3  0.6  57:09.81 tbsnmpmux

Here we see the CPU usage is at 99% idle.

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