Filter Parameters Reference Guide
From TBwiki
Filter parameter
When using the Call trace API to select a subset of calls, these are the parameter that can be used in the query.
Parameter | Format | Description |
uct_call_id | Hexadecimal | Will return the call matching this ID. |
direction | Integer | Incoming (1), outgoing (2), Mixer(3), Media only (4) . |
max | Integer | Max number of call that will be matched by the filter. |
called | String | Called number. Will match partial substrings of phone numbers. |
calling | String | Calling number. Will match partial substrings of phone numbers. |
nap | String | Nap used by the call. |
protocol | String | Protocol used by the call (SS7, SIP, ISDN, CAS). |
route | String | Name of the route used by the call. |
call_id | String | SIP Call-Id header. Available for SIP call leg. |
mos | String | MOS value from 1.0 to 5.0. Available for SIP call leg. |
network_quality | Integer | Percentage from 1 to 100. Available for SIP call leg. |
recorded | String | String can either be "RECORDED" or "NOTRECORDED". |
call_state | String | "ACTIVE" or "INACTIVE" |
terminate_reason | String or Integer | "NORMAL", "NOT_NORMAL" or the cause Integer value. |
call_duration | Integer | All calls with a duration (in seconds) under the value of "call_duration". When the value prefixed by a '>', it will return all calls greater than the value.
A range can be obtained by inputing 2 values in the format 'x-y', where x is the minimum duration and y is the maximum. |
intercepted | Boolean | True or false: Match all legs that are intercepted (if true) or all that are not (if false). |
interception_leg | Boolean | Match all legs that are Interception legs |
interception_liid | String | Match all legs that match the interception LIID |
start | Integer or String | Unix timestamp (in milliseconds) for the beginning of the call. Match calls with a greater timestamp value. An external website can be used for converting the time into a timestamp. Can also use a string in the following format: 'YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS'. Note that the timezone used will be the one on the queried system. |
end | Integer or String | Unix timestamp (in milliseconds) for the end of the call. Match calls with a lesser timestamp value. An external website can be used for converting the time into a timestamp. Can also use a string in the following format: 'YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS'. Note that the timezone used will be the one on the queried system. |
drop_call | Boolean | Flag used to signify that all calls matching the filter parameters will be terminated. Use with caution when dropping multiple calls at once. |