Gateway Address

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The Gateway Address is the term used to force the Toolpack application to use specific network interfaces, also referred to TBX_GW_ADDRESS_0 and TBX_GW_ADDRESS_1 or TbxGwAddr0 and TbxGwAddr1.

It is mandatory to set those value when the host server has 2 or more network interfaces. Otherwise, the applications may not be able to see each other, or communication with adapters may use incorrect network interfaces, causing either failure to detect/connect to remote adapters or applications, or failure take advantage of network redundancy through two separate networks.

The TbxGwAddr0 and TbxGwAddr1 can be set when running the Toolpack installer (Custom Panel). TBX_GW_ADDRESS_0 and TBX_GW_ADDRESS_1 can also be edited directly in the [InstallDir]/toolpack/setup/[MajorVersion]/toolpack.ini file. If toolpack.ini is modified manually, the Toolpack system needs to be restarted.

For the TMG family in standalone mode, TBX_GW_ADDRESS_0 and TBX_GW_ADDRESS_1 both need to be set to

Example of a TMG3200 installation.
 TBToolPack-2.3.1-Linux-tbrel-1-ppc-Install --tbxgwaddr0 --tbxgwaddr1

For the TMG family in 1+1 mode, TBX_GW_ADDRESS_0 and TBX_GW_ADDRESS_1 will automatically be configured by Toolpack. (they should be set to and respectively)

For non-network redundant applications, these values can be set to:


In that case, the application will be allowed to connect to adapters or other applications through any of the local networks of the host.

Environment variable TBX_GW_SUBNETS can be used to restrict the networks that are used when TBX_GW_ADDRESS_0 is set to ANY: To restrict to 3 specific subnets, for example:

export TBX_GW_SUBNETS='(,,'

To use any subnet except 2 specific, for example:

export TBX_GW_SUBNETS='!(,'
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