Parameter: Echo Cancellation: Non Linear Processor Tune Option

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Which NLP engagement to use:

  • Normal: Default level of non-linear processing engagement of the echo cancellation module. This is the optimal setting for most call environments.
  • Increased: Increased level of non-linear processing engagement of the echo cancellation module. This may be required for some 2 to 4 wire hybrids or line conditions with a large non-linear component in the echo.
  • Reduced: Reduced level of non-linear processing engagement of the echo cancellation module. This can eliminate unpleasant voice artifacts such as choppiness if there are double-talk conditions while doing echo-tail characterization at the start of a call.
  • Disabled: Disable the non-linear processing engagement of the echo cancellation module. It should always be active except for when testing certain G.168 scenarios.
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