SCCP:Global Title Translation Association
A GTT association defines a particular global title format and associated fields. It is assumed that all global titles included in this association have specific translation needs and therefore can be served by a single translation function set.
Each entry in the table below defines a GTT association for ITU.
Format | Indicator | Numbering Plan | Encoding Scheme | Translation Type |
FORMAT 1 | International number | Not required | Not required | Not required |
FORMAT 2 | Not required | Not required | Not required | 01 |
FORMAT 3 | Not required | Telephony numbering plan | BCD odd | 02 |
FORMAT 4 | Don’t care | ISDN numbering | Don’t care | 03 |
Note: 'Don't care' values indicate that all values are allowed for this field in this GTT association.
GTT associations are provided as run-time configurable options with GTT Association Allocation message. You must configure one entry per association for which you require global title translation to be performed in the system. Any incoming GT that requires translation must match at least one configured association.
The GTT associations configuration should ensure that associations do not overlap. For configuring the associations as defined in the table above, the structure is filled as follows:
Association Format 1
Association Format 2
ProtocolVariant = TB640_SS7_SCCP_PROTOCOL_VARIANT_ITU; GtFormat = TB640_SS7_SCCP_GT_FORMAT_TYPE_2; Format2.fUseTypeValue = TBX_TRUE; Format2.un32TypeValue = 1;
Association Format 3
ProtocolVariant = TB640_SS7_SCCP_PROTOCOL_VARIANT_ITU; GtFormat = TB640_SS7_SCCP_GT_FORMAT_TYPE_3; Format3.fUseTypeValue = TBX_TRUE; Format3.un32TypeValue = 2; Format3.NumberingPlan = TB640_SS7_SCCP_GT_NUMB_PLAN_TYPE_TELEPHONY; Format3.EncodingScheme = TB640_SS7_SCCP_GT_ENCODING_TYPE_BCD_ODD;
Association Format 4
ProtocolVariant = TB640_SS7_SCCP_PROTOCOL_VARIANT_ITU; GtFormat = TB640_SS7_SCCP_GT_FORMAT_TYPE_4; Format4.fUseTypeValue = TBX_TRUE; Format4.un32TypeValue = 1; Format4.NumberingPlan = TB640_SS7_SCCP_GT_NUMB_PLAN_TYPE_ISDN; Format4.EncodingScheme = TB640_SS7_SCCP_GT_ENCODING_TYPE_NOT_USED; Format4.NatureOfAddress = TB640_SS7_SCCP_GT_NATURE_OF_ADDR_IND_NOT_USED;
The action list defines the list of searching operations to be performed by the GTT function for a particular GTT association. The GTT function performs the search in the same sequence as given by the list. For example, the first action specified in the list is performed first. The action list serves as input to the GTT function for performing the global title translation.
Note: An actions list must be configured for a GTT Association instance.