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The following messages can be received or transmitted by SCCP across the MTP Level 3 SAP:

  • Extended Unit Data (XUDT)
  • Extended Unit Data Service (XUDTS)
  • Long Unit Data (LUDT7) (ITU-T 1996, GR246-CORE Issue 5)
  • Long Unit Data Service (LUDTS7) (ITU-T 1996, GR246-CORE Issue 5)
  • Subsystem-Allowed (SSA)
  • Subsystem-Congested (SSC) (ITU-T 1996)
  • Subsystem-Out-of-Service-Grant (SOG)
  • Subsystem-Out-of-Service-Request (SOR)
  • Subsystem-Prohibited (SSP)
  • Subsystem-Status-Test (SST)
  • Unit Data (UDT)
  • Unit Data Service (UDTS)

NOTE: As of August 2009, LUDT and LUDTS are not supported.

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