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The alarm (event) notification message is received by the TCAP service user when TCAP is reporting an error.

General explanation of the fields of previous structure:

  • The TCAP handle field specifies the handle of the TCAP instance

  • The Category field indicates the category of the alarm. Possible values:

Alarm category Description
None No category
Protocol Protocol related alarms
Interface Interface related alarms
Internal Internal software error related alarms
Resources System resources related alarms

  • The Event field specifies the event that caused the alarm.

Alarm Event Description
None No event
Invalid UI event Invalid upper interface event
Invalid LI event Invalid lower interface event
Invalid event Invalid network message
Invalid timer event Invalid timer expiration event
Invalid MI event Invalid layer manager event
Bind failure Bind with service provider failed
Message allocation failed Message allocation failed
Duplicate invoke ID Duplicate invoke ID
Mandatory missing Mandatory element is missing
Unexpected RX message Received unexpected message
Unknown RX message Received unknown message
Invalid dialog ID Invalid dialog ID
Unrecognized invoke ID Unrecognized invoke ID
Allocation dialog failure Dialog allocation failed
Hash failure Hash table operation failed
Max configuration Reached configuration limit
Invalid component Invalid component

  • The Cause field specifies the cause of the alarm.

Alarm Cause Description
Unknown No cause
Invalid SAP Invalid SAP
Invalid SP Invalid service provider (out-of-range)
Invalid SU Invalid service user (out-of-range)
Protocol not active Protocol layer is not active
Interface version Invalid interface version
Unbound SAP unbound
Dialog allocation failed Dialog allocation failed
Invoke allocation failed Invoke allocation failed
User-part association failed User-part association failed
SP SAP association failure Interface association failed
Decoding failure Message decoding problem

Userpart Alarm

An alarm (event) notification message is received by the TCAP service user when a TCAP userpart is reporting an error.

  • The TCAP handle field specifies the handle of the TCAP instance.
  • The TCAP Userpart handle field specifies the handle of the TCAP Userpart instance.
  • The Category field indicates the category of the Userpart alarm. Possible values: see the 'TCAP alarm category' table in TCAP Alarms.
  • The Event field specifies the event that cause the Userpart alarm. Possible values: see the 'TCAP alarm event' table in TCAP Alarms.
  • The Cause field specifies the cause of the Userpart alarm. Possible values: see the 'TCAP alarm cause' table in TCAP Alarms.
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