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What it does?

The application tbautoinstall is used to install packages and licenses on the TMedia units. It allows:

  • Listing installed packages
  • Deleting packages
  • Validating packages
  • Installing new packages
  • Installing new licenses
  • Change next boot directory
  • Reboot TMedia units
  • Flash TMedia hardware with another package (option hidden by default, use with extreme caution!)

Locating the application

This application is located in the following directory once Toolpack is installed: [InstallDir]/[PackageVersion]/bin/release/[Platform]/


Now, you can run tbautoinstall. Otherwise, you need to install tbautoinstall.

Installing the application

The tbautoinstall binary is found in the "cmc" archive for your platform. For example:


It's found in the following directory (replace "i586-win32" below by your platform)


Gathering TMedia packages

The packages to install on TMedia units are found in the following archive:


You must unzip this archive in order to use it with tbautoinstall.

Gathering TMedia licenses

License files can be downloaded from the license server.

Launching this application

You can launch the tool by double-clicking on it, or with some command-line arguments. Use "tbautoinstall --help" to get available arguments.

 tbautoinstall --help
 Usage: tbautoinstall.exe [-pkg pkg_dir] [-lic license_dir] [options]
     -pkg pkg_dir     : Path of the directory that contains all package files (tb640.pkg, etc.)
     -lic license_dir : Path of the directory that contains all license required for adapters to install
 Available options:
     -auto            : Automatically install any detected adapter which version is not the one from '-pkg tb640.pkg'
     -c cfg_file      : Path of a configuration file that defines which adapters to auto-update. All are used by default.
     -d               : Run in 'deamon' mode. (you can use tbx_cli_tools_remote to remotely control in that case)
     -flash           : Flash FPGAs and other hardware components in addition to install package
     -gw              : Change the gateway port (TBX_GW_PORT, or Toolpack system Id) to run application with
     -noreboot        : Don't reboot adapters after installation.
     -q               : Automatically quit once installation is done

Installing a package

  • Launch tbautoinstall
  • Press 'i'
    • Select the TMedia unit to install on (using left or right arrows)
    • Choose if adapter must be rebooted automatically after installation or not
    • Enter the path of the folder that contains all TMedia binary files (from tb640-adapter.release.zip, directory 'tb/bin')
    • Enter the path of the folder that contains all license files that you obtained from TelcoBridges support team
      • Note: This is optional if installing a package with the same major version as the actually running package (2.6.Y over 2.6.X for example)

=> The selected package will be installed on the TMedia unit, and optionally the tool will identify the most recent matching licenses from the specified folder (for base board and mezzanines) and install them.

Alternatively, you can install a license without installing a package as in here.

Install multiple TMedia units simultaneously

You can simply use the 'i' command again while other units are already being installed.

Install all TMedia units simultaneously

  • Press 'p' to select the package to auto-install
    • Enter the path of the folder that contains all TMedia binary files (from tb640-adapter.release.zip, directory 'tb/bin')
    • Enter the path of the folder that contains all license files that you obtained from TelcoBridges support team
      • Note: This is optional if installing a package with the same major version as the actually running package (2.6.Y over 2.6.X for example)
  • Press 'a' to enable "auto-install" mode
  • Any TMedia unit not already running the selected package version will be updated automatically

Flashing a package

Flashing a package does more than simply installing a package. In addition to installing the package on the TMedia unit's file system, it also updates some non-volatile memory, the "safe boot" flash, and some re-programmable hardware devices.

Warning: Flashing a TMedia unit should only be performed by TelcoBridges support team, and for a good reason, as failure may render the unit inoperable

  • Launch tbautoinstall from the command-line using "-flash" option ("tbautoinstall -flash")
  • Use the 'i' command as explained above

=> The TMedia unit will first be installed, rebooted, then flashed and rebooted again.

Installing a license

  • Launch tbautoinstall
  • Press 'I'
    • Select the TMedia unit to install on (using left or right arrows)
    • Choose which package to install the license for (you need to select package 2.6 if you are installing a 2.6 license)
    • Choose if you want to reboot the adapter right after installation (license installation is ineffective until adapter reboots
    • Enter the path of the folder that contains the license files to be installed
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