Toolpack:RADIUS CDR attributes

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Applies to version(s): v2.5 and earlier

This page contains the list of RADIUS attributes that are sent to a RADIUS accounting server.

AVP Id Radius IETF param name Type Text CDR variable Description
NAS-Identifier string
@{ApplicationName} Application name of the CDR provider
Acct-Session-Id integer
@{LegId} Call Leg Identifier
21 Telcob-Other-Leg-Id integer
@{OtherLegId} Call Leg Identifier of the other call leg joined with current call leg
9 Telcob-ChargeIndicator string
@{ChargeIndicator} Represent the charge indicator value
Cisco-NAS-Port string
@{NAP} Network Access Point name for the call leg
Called-Sation-Id string
@{CalledNumber} Called party number
Calling-Station-Id string
@{CallingNumber} Calling party number
h323-call-type string
@{Protocol} If protocol is SIP the value is "VOIP", otherwise it is "Telephony"
h323-setup-time string
@{StartTime} Represent the call leg setup time - Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
h323-call-origin string
@{OriginatorName} "answer" for an outgoing leg - "originate" for an incoming leg
h323-connect-time string
@{ConnectedTime} Represent the call leg answer time (connect time) - Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
h323-disconnect-time string
@{EndTime} Represent the call leg disconnect time - Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
h323-conf-id string
@{SessionId} Unique call identifier for the two initial legs (incoming and outgoing) - 128 bits integer formated as xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

h323-incoming-conf-id string
@{OriginalSessionId} Contains the original h323-conf-id in case of call transfer for subsequent outgoing legs - 128 bits integer formated as xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
User-Name string
- For now this value is hardcoded to "100"
h323-disconnect-cause string
@{TerminationCause} Q.931 disconnect (1 to 160) cause, TB Toolpack system cause (200 to 300) and SIP cause (400 to 600)
115 release-source string
@{TerminationSource} "localLeg" if this leg terminate the call or "connectedLeg" if its the connected leg - We use a Cisco string field with our own value definition
Acct-Status-Type integer
- Start or Stop

The column Text CDR Variable provide the reference to the corresponding variable in the text CDRs. See the Text-based call detail records.

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