Retrieving a License

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This article applies to: Product Version
Tmedia 2.x, 3.x
SBC 3.x

Our partners can generate licenses using the TelcoBridges License Server at the following location:

For partners who do not have log in credentials for the TelcoBridges License Server, please contact TelcoBridges TB Support.


Connecting to the License Server

1- Use the following URL to reach the TelcoBridges License Server:

  • A Login window is displayed.

LicenseServer 0.png

2- Enter your login credentials.

  • Click Login

Downloading a License

1- Either click License Download or the Download button.

LicenseServer 1.png

2- Enter the Serial number of your device.

  • Select your device from the list.

LicenseServer 2.png

3- Select your Version from the drop down menu

  • Click Download

LicenseServer 3.png

Temporary License extension

1- Either click License Extension or the Extend button.

LicenseServerExtend 1.png

2- Enter the Serial number of your device.

  • Select your device from the list.

LicenseServerExtend 2.png

3- Click Extend. This will extend the license for 10 days.

LicenseServerExtend 3.png

4- Download the license by following the instructions of "Downloading a License".

Spare Parts Program licenses

This function will activate the license of the 'Spare Unit Serial Number' and will replace the main unit with your spare unit.

1- Either click Spare Activation or the Activate Spare button.

LicenseServerActivateSpare 1.png

2- Enter the Unit Serial Number of the device to replace

  • Enter the Spare Unit Serial Number
  • Select your Version from the drop down menu
  • Click Transfer License. This will copy all licensed features from 'Unit Serial Number' to 'Spare Unit Serial Number' and will activate the spare.

You will be prompted for the spare unit license. This license will be valid for 30 days

LicenseServerActivateSpare 2.png

+1 License Generation

This function will generate a license to allow your +1 unit to replace any units (Unit Serial Numbers) from your system.

1- Click +1 Generation

LicenseServerPlus1 1.png

2- Enter the Unit Serial Number of the device to replace

  • Enter the +1 Unit Serial Number
  • Select your Version from the drop down menu
  • Click Activate +1. This will copy all licensed features from 'Unit Serial Number' to '+1 Unit Serial Number' and activate the +1 unit.

You will be prompted for the +1 unit license.

LicenseServerPlus1 2.png

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