Process redirection to other SIP/ISDN/SS7/Sigtran/CAS endpoints

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Applies to version(s): v2.8 and above

In this scenario, the incoming call is sent to a SIP redirect server, which returns a 3xx message and a new call is sent to any other networks, be it SIP, ISDN,SS7, SIGTRAN, CAS.

Redirect to SIP SS7 ISDN.png

This is the call flow of such a scenario. A 302 Moved temporarily is returned from the SIP redirect server and new calls are made to different networks. The calls going to SS7 will need a called number prefix of 888, for ISDN 666 and for SIP 777.

SIP-SS7-ISDN Redirect callflow.png

Configure Routing Scripts Configure NAP Configure NAP Colums Configure Routes

Configure Routing scripts

  • Routing Scripts -> Import Script File
  • Routing Scripts -> Select Main Script
    • At start of script:
      • require 'redirect_routing'
    • In the main class:
      • include RedirectQuery
      • before_filter :method => :redirect_query

Configure NAP

  • NAP -> Create New NAP
    • Proxy address-> x.x.x.x (IP of SIP redirect server)

You can add more SIP redirect server as needed

  • NAP -> Create New NAP
    • Name-> SIP_NAP_ANY
    • Proxy address-> NONE

This will allow calls to be redirected to any IPs using this SIP transport Server

In NAP Columns, set the following:

  • NAP Columns -> Create New Nap Column
    • Name -> server_type
    • Type Attributes -> NORMAL|REDIRECT
    • Default -> NORMAL

Select REDIRECT for each NAP that is a SIP Redirect server and you can prioritize with group (lowest value is highest priority) and weight (to load balance)

  • When you Configure Routes, set the following:
    • Routes -> Create New Static Route
      • Name -> To_SIP_Endpoints
      • NAP -> any
      • Called -> /^(777)([0-9]*)$/
      • Remapped_NAP -> SIP_NAP_ANY
      • Remapped Called -> /^(777)([0-9]*)$/\2/
    • Routes -> Create New Static Route
      • Name -> To_SS7_Endpoints
      • NAP -> any
      • Called -> /^(888)([0-9]*)$/
      • Remapped_NAP -> SS7_NAP
      • Remapped Called -> /^(888)([0-9]*)$/\2/
    • Routes -> Create New Static Route
      • Name -> To_ISDN_Endpoints
      • NAP -> any
      • Called -> /^(666)([0-9]*)$/
      • Remapped_NAP -> ISDN_NAP
      • Remapped Called -> /^(666)([0-9]*)$/\2/

These settings are set by default, but may be verified if some changes were made in the default configuration:

 SIP -> Header Parameters -> Use legacy redirection mode [unchecked] ( old naming convention was: Allow Recurse)
 Profiles -> Edit Reason Cause Mapping -> 302 Moved temporarily-> Route retry action -> Process Call Routing
 gateway -> use Script -> default_routing_script

Files used for routing scripts

Redirect to SIP, ISDN, SS7 file

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