Installing a Zabbix server

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This procedure applies to Zabbix v.2.4 on CentOS6


Install Zabbix

1. Follow RedHat/CentOS installation procedure from Zabbix documentation

Note: It is possible that you might get the following error while starting httpd on a new CentOS installation:

# service httpd start
Starting httpd: httpd: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for myZabbixHost
httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName

Make sure to configure your hostname "myZabbixHost" to /etc/hosts

2. Configure services to automatically starts on reboot of the server

# chkconfig mysqld on
# chkconfig zabbix-server on
# chkconfig zabbix-agent on
# chkconfig httpd on

3. Disable SELinux

# setenforce 0

Edit /etc/selinux/config and set SELINUX to disabled:

# vi /etc/selinux/config

4. Configure the Zabbix frontend

Follow the procedure in the section Installing frontend from Zabbix documentation

5. Login to Zabbix frontend

In your browser, open Zabbix URL: http://<server_ip_or_name>/zabbix

The default user name is Admin, password zabbix

Install NET-SNMP

# yum install net-snmp-utils
# yum install net-snmp-perl
# yum install snmptt

Note: perl-Net-SNMP will be installed together with snmptt

Install MIBs

1. Get the "" script:

# wget
# chmod +x

2. Run "" script with no argument to get the mibs path configured on your system:

# ./
./ <MibPath>
Mibs paths returned by snmptranslate:
init_mib: Seen MIBDIRS: Looking in '/root/.snmp/mibs:/usr/share/snmp/mibs' for mib dirs ...

3. Install the mibs files to the MIBDIRS path (ex./usr/share/snmp/mibs):

# ./ /usr/share/snmp/mibs

The installation of NET-SNMP already comes with defaults mibs. The script install only the mibs that are not included in the default NET-SNMP package and that are needed by the TB snmp zabbix templates:

  • TB-MIB-2014.mib (TB-MIB)
  • rfc-2495.mib (DS1-MIB)
  • rfcperfhist.mib (definition used by rfc-2495.mib)

Note: If for some reason your NET-SNMP does not contain all the required mibs, you can download all the mibs from and copy them to your MIBDIRS path.

4. Configure snmp.conf (if the file does not exist, create the file with only the following line):

# vi /etc/snmp/snmp.conf
mibs +ALL

Configure SNMP traps

Reference from

Configure Zabbix Server

# vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf

Configure snmptrapd

# vi /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf
traphandle default /usr/sbin/snmptthandler
authCommunity   log,execute,net public

Configure snmptt

# vi /etc/snmp/snmptt.ini
translate_log_trap_oid = 2
net_snmp_perl_enable = 1
date_time_format = %H:%M:%S %Y/%m/%d
log_file = /var/log/snmptt/snmptt.log
log_system_enable = 1

Install TelcoBridges snmptt.conf

# wget
# cp snmptt.conf /etc/snmp/snmptt.conf

Start services

# chkconfig snmptt on
# chkconfig snmptrapd on
# service snmptrapd start
# service snmptt start
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