DSCP tagging in protocols (TOS)
From TBwiki
Applies to version(s): v2.9 and up
Starting with version 2.9, each IP protocol used on the units can support DSCP tagging (adding a Type of Service or TOS).
Here is the list of protocols and how to configure them:
- SIP: Creating a SIP Transport Server
- Sigtran IUA: Creating IUA Peers (in advanced parameters)
- Sigtran M2PA: Adding M2PA Links
- Sigtran M2UA: Creating M2UA SAP
- Sigtran M3UA: Creating M3UA SAP
- SNMP: Configuring SNMP
- Radius: Adding RADIUS Server
- HTTP: Create HTTP Service
- SSH: Configure SSH Service
- ICMP (Ping and others) : Configure ICMP Service
- DNS: Configure DNS Service
- RTP: RTP Audio Profile